BBC too thick for that tight white pussy
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Duration: 13:55
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Submitted: 4 years ago
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BBC too thick for that tight white pussy
«A newly married white wife, taken by her husband to a hotel, for the express purpose of being blacked.
She came as she kissed him full on the lips, muffling the howling moan that welled from her deepest animalistic instincts as she felt his potent African cum blast inside her for a second time that night. This time she felt every pelt, every gush, every lance of his dark seed inside her, painting the walls of her white womb with heavy, fertile spunk. Stars burst in front of her eyes as she succumbed to ecstasy.
She could feel it blasting into her womb, defying all those white men who had ever tried to get their chance at her pristine white body before. But now, feeling his pulsing black cock spewing its hot load deep inside her bare white womb, sending millions of his strong African warriors to capture to her pure Caucasian egg, it felt so right...»