Fire blonde wife with young black stud
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Duration: 29:06
Views: 56K
Submitted: 2 years ago
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Hot blonde wife hooks up with black stud.
«I love watching this woman get fucked by niqqers»
«she is stunningly gorgeous and her body is perfection»
«Video shot so far away why??? Could have been better should have been better not as great as the ranking keeping it real okay but you're going to make a video make it show the damn face show everything..»
«If they're military they better watch out. The brass will not look kindly upon this.»
«Definitely c-section scar.»
«Third video?»
«In her other video, she said she was an army wife. SOMEBODY has to know her backstory (ie- why is her face blurred in the other video but not this one) and if there are other videos she did besides the other one!!!!»
«They are amazing. In their previous video she says she’s 4’10.»
«Here you go:»
Love this video. I would like to see more. 
«Anyone know her name? Would definitely subscribe on OF»
«Best video I have seen, would love my wife to come home with videos like this»
«Please tell me that’s a C-section scar.»
«More of her please»
«I tried to click thumbs up, accidentally hit thumbs down. Tried to change it and couldn't.»
«I think this is the same chick from his “blurred out face” video. Need his name to look it up»