Sexy wife with hot body takes BBC on a cruise ship
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Duration: 5:21
Views: 12K
Submitted: 1 year ago
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Sexy wife with hot body takes BBC on a cruise ship
«Wow! What an amazing video of a perfect Hot Wife. Just two things to call out here..... 1- If you're going to take your BBC Bull on vacation with you, you owe it to him to feel your wifes true beauty. Now take that condom off and let him feel her beautiful married pussy. Trust me, she wants to feel his bare cock as much as he wants to feel her insides. 2- This is for Hubby... you're taking your wifes Bull on vacation, her pussy should belong to him and him alone. Keep your cock completely away from her for this whole week. Allow her arousal to build with her Bull and allow her Bull to be the only one to satisfy her. This will make your experience much much more fulfilling, trust me. You will gain more respect from her Bull if you do this. You can have her back, partially, when you return home.»