Blonde wife submits to dominant bbc
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Duration: 49:11
Views: 51K
Submitted: 1 year ago
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Another hotwife gone black
«Sexy vid. But why film in portrait mode? You can’t see everything that’s going on.»
«It's rated low because it's the same porn star that's in half the videos he needs to take a break»
«How can this video be rated so low, It's hot as fuck. That meaty pussy is worth a thumbs up

«For one nice body but perhaps the meaty pussy and the low quality filming… coulda filmed both emotions that are straight engaging.»
«How is this not at 99%? Great vid»
«Beautiful! Lovely ass»
«She really needs a black baby»
«Wow! Great video! Glad she finally got her socks off. The toes don’t lie!!»
«What is her name?»