Hot blonde wife and her husband enjoy a threesome
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Duration: 53:19
Views: 84K
Submitted: 1 year ago
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Hot blonde wife and her husband enjoy a threesome
«I Wish this was my girl with me recording them. So fucking hot!»
«A "threesome" where, of COURSE, the Black Alpha male gets ALL the pussy, and the white out JERKS off, or if he's LUCKY, gets a little head....»
«100% real She is amazing and the way she locks eyes with hubby super hot»
«nobody wants to share that women's name
«My god this is real as it can get . Super video. Is she on reddit? My cocks getting hard waching her pink pussy getting filled»
«every men wish for wife like her
«All the links I could find of her:»
«Anyone got her name?»
«Any name»
«Who is she!»
«Any info on her or more links»
«She’s super hot what a great video»
«What an amazing and REAL video »
«I'm going to nut so fucking hard to this later»
«Havre you got the name ?»
«Amazing video. She's stunning and it's such a real first experience.»
«She is incredible! Very real couple»
«Name please she’s so hot»
«Amazing body and feet!!»
«I’ve been on this site for awhile and not only is she hot but this seems to be one of the hottest real videos I’ve seen…. She creams his cock insanely she’s really loving it.»
«Watch her face at the beginning before they start having sex. She really loves her husband by the way she looks at him. This is a wife who was talked into this by the husband after a while of asking her to do this stuff. Real stuff right here!»
«who is this woman? This is real stuff right here.»
«New video! have been tracking this new hotwife on reddit. She is hot!»