Dom lover and submissive cuckold couple
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Duration: 30:39
Views: 14K
Submitted: 7 months ago
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Dom lover and submissive cuckold couple
«I know who they are. PM me and if I ever check it, I will let you know. They are of my faves»
«Anyone know who they are?»
«Cuck talk and humiliation...this is the best one of its kind. The bull actually takes control...and is perfect in humiliating the cuck. Incredible that so many videos miss this element. Hotwife is gourgeous and vocal, verbal, dirty talking too.»
«One of the best videos I’ve seen in a long time»
«What s the bulls name?»
«Nice fresh bull sperm straight from the wife’s juicy cunt. Perfect cuckolding.»
«OMG love the obedience and bull really taking charge.»