Guide to get her to do Black Dick
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Duration: 10:59
Views: 33K
Submitted: 6 years ago
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Guide to get her to do Black Dick
«My wife loves some bbc. I didn’t know until one night she was drunk and said she wanted Bbc so she got her one in Denver. Holy shit he fucked her senseless. Her pussy was swollen and Allred and puffy after he fucked her. He was massive. It was fun watchin her cum like every 10 seconds»
«I found this video on my husbands laptop browser history. This is very interesting to me as I watched it I can see the subtle changes in my husbands behavior. Honestly I never thought about black guys until I watched this. I think I’m going to let this progress abs his pace. This could be alot of fun»
«Let us know about the progress, i am intrigued how will it play on further, good luck with converting your girlfriend to bbc.»
«I’m going to start stage 1 with my girlfriend»